Monday, July 21, 2008

Alzheimer's Assoication Memory Walk

If you know someone that is affected by Alzheimer’s then you know that this can be a debilitating disease the affects not only the quality of life of the person affected, but also the family who know has to step into the role as caregiver. While science is working hard on finding a cure, there is still a lot to be done.

During the fall, there is the Alzheimer's Memory Walkk. It is the nation’s largest event to raise awareness for Alzheimer research, support and care. Not only does it help those who are suffering from the disease, but it is providing awareness to those who can become volunteers to help the fight against this disease.

More than 600 communities across the nation will participate in the walk this year. Anyone can walk the 2 or 3 miles, and you will be teaming up with the Alzheimer’s Association in order to move a nation to become more aware.

Sponsored by Alzheimer's Walk

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