Monday, March 30, 2009

She's no Ginger

I actually spent Sunday away from work. Not necessarily away from the computer, but I did manage to not write anything for about 24 hours. I actually went shopping and had a good time. I bought an awesome Lego set for my nephew. Okay... I'll admit it was more for me than him, but he'll get to play with it next time he comes over to my apartment.

I also watched TCM last night for a Fred Astaire/Rita Hayworth double feature. And like my subject head says... she's no Ginger. The lead in and exit from the movie always provides a little background on the movie or actors, and I was surprised to hear that Fred Astaire thought Rita Hayworth was one of his best dancing partners. I just didn't find their dancing chemistry appealing to me. Then again, I definitely love Ginger Rogers more than Fred Astaire any day. It's not that Rita and Fred didn't have chemistry, I just found Rita's dancing a little... I don't know. Is stilted the right word? Maybe reserved? I'm no dance expert. I just know that the dancing scenes in You'll Never Get Rich and You Were Never Lovelier did not impress me. But the rest of the movies were great: good plot, funny humor, etc.

Watch the trailers, if you're interested:

But for now, it's back to work (happily, I might add).

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