Friday, April 17, 2009

Oprah, Twitter, and more

Wow. What a day! I start out by waking up at 4:30 to watch Too Many Girls. I thought I would be up anyway because of the bird, but he didn't start his racket until about 5. I managed to watch it up until Desi sang "All Dressed Up" and then just crashed with the TV still going.

(song is at 7:13)

And slept in way too late. That put me really behind on my work, especially since my main job put everyone on a time table for the next 2 weeks. I love regulation, so this will give me the chance to actually get done what I want to.

Then I had to quit working again because I was interested in watching Oprah send her first tweet. It was anticlimactic... I knew it would be. But it gave me a little more time to relax, because I'm working the rest of the night.

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