Monday, February 27, 2012

Marching into March

I knew once I was settled into my tiny little room, I would feel a lot better about my current and future situations. The trick for me is to have a solid plan going forth. I have just that. Although my plans still do not guarantee any type of success, I'm more optimistic than I was just a few days ago.

I also have some exciting news for upcoming features to this blog. Anyone who is a dedicated writer will know that April is an extremely busy month for writers. Not only does ScriptFrenzy take place, but it is also National Poetry Month. I have some very exciting posts and events planned for April--and you can participate too! Once I put the final touches on everything, I will let you all know how to can join in on the festivities.

I also managed to finally publish a new article today: Resources for Vintage Photographs. A great article if you are into family history/genealogy. 

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