Monday, October 22, 2012

NANOWRIMO 2012 Prep Has Begun

It's that time of the year again--National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) is fast approaching. I love this time of the year because I get a ton of clear daily and weekly goals to meet, I get to push the limits of my writing techniques and of course I get to add and check off a bunch of stuff on my to-do list.

Everyone has a different approach to preparing for Nanowrimo. Some people choose to fully outline their plot, write character bios and do all the normal things you would if you were planning to site down and write a novel without a crazy time limit of 30 days. Others choose to prep by not prepping at all. At most, these people make sure that they know where the charger to their laptop is.

Me? I'm right in between. My method of preparation of Nanowrimo is to pull a slip of paper out of my famous Ideas Box. This box is still full of phrases, ideas and nearly complete story outlines that fit on the width of a sticky note. Here is the one I pulled out for this year's event:

It says: "opens on a crowd watching a building burn." Okay, so it's not a full outline of a story, but at least it isn't just a single word. I'll have to think about this one over the next couple of days to see where it will take me on November 1.


K R Smith said...

Maybe someone in the crowd:

1. works/lives in the building
2. knows someone who works/lives there
3. set the fire
4. just likes to watch things burn
5. was doing an all-nighter working on NaNoWriMo and their cigarette fell into a paper-filled trash can when they nodded off

Lots of possibilities!

Good Luck - and let us know how we can track you progress!

Terri said...

I know -- so many possibilities!

I'll post the link to track my progress soon.