Thursday, August 08, 2019

The Daunting Blank Page

I don't know how many times I will say this, but I feel like it's time to say it again: nonfiction is not my favorite. I love to read it, sure, but writing it is a whole other game. I have some ideas, now I just need to put in a lot of effort into achieving the standard I need to reach. That's not easy. I'm trying to look towards inspiring articles and reading articles that in my mind are absolutely perfect, but I think that only makes me see the path as a lot longer than it should be.

Still, I carry on. I'm working on two nonfiction articles at the moment, one of which will partially be up soon because I'm going to try out Medium's series feature, which will allow me to add to an article, sort of like threads on Twitter. I think. I'll have to try out the feature to see what I'm really getting into.

Since I'm working so hard to produce nonfiction, of course my mind is making great strides in the fiction category. While welcome, it's almost to the point where it is getting in the way. Don't worry--all that means is the next project coming out will arrive that much faster.

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