NaNo 2019 is in full swing, and I'm chugging along. Am I where I want to be in the process? Of course not, but that's not going to slow me down. I did have a hiccup or two on the word count. Can you believe I should already be well over 10k by now? Crazy. I'll get there, but I'm definitely going to have to break a few of my personal tech rules, including not working on Saturdays and shutting my computer off by 6pm on weekdays. Working on Saturdays does feel a little weird. That's my me-time. Okay, it's my T.V. time. Whatever.
Remember that you can follow my progress with first line/last line of the day, all posted on Patreon and all posts for NaNo are public.
In case you missed any of my Patreon posts:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Happy Writing!
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