Sunday, January 06, 2008

Another movie day! I watched Catch and Release, Knocked Up, and Jarhead today. Catch and Release starts out really slow, but you get into it by the end. Knocked Up: I'm sure everyone else has seen it already, but hilarious, as is the standard from that group of writers/actors/directors (who doesn't love Paul Rudd?). Jarhead was decent, though I got really bored because the TV brightness is screwy and the desert scenes (most of the movie) were almost completely white on the screen. Other than that... not much. Laundry. Dishes. More Grammar Girl episodes. I really need a job...


They call him James Ure said...

Yeah I loved, "Knocked UP" and Paul Rudd is awesome. Have you seen "Atonement," "There Will Be Blood" and "Juno?" They are all brilliant films.

Terri said...

Yeah, I would love to see them all, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.