Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A website on the horizon?

If you want to run a business, it’s all about the image. I have been thinking about that a lot lately. I’m still in the planning stages of getting a website together for my freelance work, and I know that most of the work will be in the design of the website. The design is not only what attracts traffic in the first place, but it is also what keeps customers coming back.

I have been to plenty of poorly designed websites before. I look around to find the information that I want, and usually it’s so hard to find (or not even there!) so I give up and find another website that provides better organization and information. And it’s sad, because some of these sites could really be useful with a little design work.

That’s why when I start my website (as soon as I have a year or so of fees and such saved up), I’m probably going to hire a web design expert. I’ve been looking around already at some, including Web Development Denver colorado and other smaller companies to see what exactly I can get and how affordable it will be. Surprisingly, it’s more affordable than I thought it would be. I’ll make no promises, but I think by this time next year I should have a professional freelancing site on the web. Ooh… something to look forward to!

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