Monday, October 26, 2009

Watch out Pocketbook!

I started Christmas shopping tonight. Normally I shop in the stores before I head online to get what I was really looking for, but this year I just had to buy some exclusive Lego seasonal items. Some were for me, some were for my mom, but all of them are really cool and I can't wait to put them together!

Friday is the scheduled Christmas shopping day at the mall, Toys R Us, etc. My family prides itself by getting the majority of Christmas shopping done before November. Although we don't get all of the great sale prices, we are not getting elbowed and kicked in the shins with baby strollers. It's well worth it, trust me. And it also lets us justify the little purchases from now until Christmas Eve.

I might not have a six figure salary, but I think that Christmas is going to be really nice this year. The family isn't feuding, no one is complaining (yet), and we're finally getting a new tree. Oh, how I love the holidays...

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