Monday, February 01, 2010

Successes and Failures

This past week I decided to ramp up my production at work. It doesn't take too much time to add an extra $100 a week to my paycheck. I'm doing this for a very selfish reason -- I want to be able to take a vacation this summer!

With all of this on top of my other ambitions, I feel like there are a few things in my career that have become a sad failure. First, I am terrible at keeping up with a good idea until it works. Those who follow this blog are lucky to get weekly updates since I rarely remember to do it. That's why I am close to labeling my book review blog, Book Review Bin, a failure. The majority of the failure is for two reasons: first, I cannot read nearly as much as I would like to in order to regularly update the blog with new reviews. Second, I have tried to feature book reviews by other people, but I have not followed through with enough promotion to make this an option for regular content.

I am going to try and focus more of my energy into this blog and see if it can become what I envisioned it to be. If not, then I will probably take it down by summer.

Weighing my current successes and failures, I see how much work I still have to do, but it will be worth it to turn all of this projects into better examples of what I can do as a writer.

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