Monday, July 26, 2010

Iffy Monday

Can't be a happy Monday--I almost forgot to post my regular Monday ramblings! I'm still very distracted with all the moving, trying to get back to the writing that I want to do, issues with old friends, and sparking new ones.

On the writing front, the good news is that I started the novel that I wanted to write using the old Royal Sprite portable typewriter I bought at a yard sale a month or so ago. Bad news? It is going to take forever. I might even pull a hand muscle if I'm not careful! :)

I might be distracted in my daily Internet duties because the only mess left from moving is in the office. That's the only place I can really hide things, so the piles of books, papers and sentimental junk will just have to stay here a little while longer.

It was actually the sentimental junk that got to me this weekend. It totally distracted me because it reminded me of an old best friend. I guess we can't call each other that anymore--she's getting married this weekend and I was not invited. There have been more than a dozen weddings of friends that I haven't been invited to over the past two years or so. This is the only one that has bothered me. I'll let people go through all the excuses about money, making tight guest lists, etc. Truth is, she just didn't want me there. I thought about sending a card, but the fear of continued rejection (no acknowledgment of the sentiments) will probably keep me from doing so. I guess it's for the best, right?

I will do my best to put this little hiccup in my emotional well-being behind me so I can focus again on what's important. Or I could just write a poem about it and get it over with!

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