Friday, October 01, 2010

Let's Begin the Week

This weekend felt like a huge waste of time. Although I got some things done, it wasn't nearly all I wanted to accomplish. I went shopping, bought some great shoes, but I didn't necessarily find all of the Christmas presents I had left on my list (yes... I definitely shop early for Christmas!). When I came back home, I was too tired to do anything else, so I tried to clear out my DVR. I'm so obsessed with recording things, it fills up pretty quick these days. Sunday was pretty much the same--I didn't get my cleaning all done, but at least nothing's messy. Just a little dusty.

What I really wanted to get a jump on was my Triond articles for this month. Like August, they are offering a bonus. October's bonus is 20% earnings, but this time it's 10 articles instead of 5. As long as I get them done this week, I'll have no problems collecting my bonus at the end of the month. I only wish I hadn't published my article, Four Easy Ways to Make Cash Online, on the last day of September...

There has been only small progress on any of my other writing endeavors. And I nearly freaked this week when someone mentioned that Nanowrimo is just around the corner. But I did come up with a new idea to mix my photographs with my words... stay tuned for that one.

Have a great week and remember to keep writing!

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