Saturday, January 08, 2011

A Holiday Film for the Entire Year

Thanks for the post from Rashad Townsend

A film that stays with me is called Holiday Inn. It stars Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire, and it's a delight to watch. It's my favorite Christmas film, even though its theme allows it to be shown every month of the year.

The entertaining musical production numbers are what draw me to it. They do terrific routines for several holidays celebrated throughout the year, like Independence Day and Thanksgiving. The song Freedom is one that resonates inside of me.

Still, it is the Christmas aspect that caused me to take a comfy seat on my sofa last night and watch it on Satellite TV Specials. It's in Holiday Inn that Crosby first sings White Christmas, the Irving Berlin hit that would eventually become the name of another Crosby movie.

There's a wonderful romance in the movie that creates the conflict and drama between Crosby and Astaire and which ultimately leads to the happy ending. I don't consider that a spoiler. Most Christmas pictures provide happy conclusions that please viewers.

The concept behind the plot, the idea of a small inn that is open only a few days per year (the observed holidays), is unique. I've never seen this done in another other production. That adds to the appeal of this film.

Holiday Inn may not be Christmas for all of its minutes, but it still satisfies.

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