Monday, November 26, 2012

Not My Weekend...

I hope everyone's holiday weekend went well. Mine was going just fine until I woke up yesterday. I'll spare you the gruesome details, but I did have to fight a bout of what I think was food poisoning yesterday. Funny thing is, it wasn't any holiday related food. It was prepackaged frozen food that I think was the culprit. I'm just so glad that its over, and that I was adamant about working extra on Saturday, because I definitely couldn't do anything yesterday.

That setback also meant that Nanowrimo was again pushed off the table, its potential progress shattered into a million pieces. Although there are still a few more days in the month, I think that ship has officially sailed. Bon Voyage. 

1 comment:

one piece said...

I have add you friend please add me too ^_^