Monday, February 04, 2013

Input and Output

I just finished sending off another poetry submission. At this rate, I should start getting a ton of accept/reject letters by springtime. It's also really good to get the finished poetry wrapped up in submission limbo so that I can concentrate on those that need some revision. I'm still sticking to writing a poem a day so far, so I have plenty to revise.

However, the more work I put out into the world, the more ideas that seem to come flooding in. I was recently reading more about Amazon's serials and I'm still intrigued. I really want to write a serial, but Amazon's program is a little too small and much too exclusive (major publishers only) at the moment. I guess I'll have plenty of time to work on my idea and let Amazon catch up. Don't worry -- I have tons of other things to work on anyway. Hopefully something with a bigger payoff than bragging rights.

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