Monday, March 11, 2013

Crunch Time

It's a whirlwind of activity on this computer today. It's getting down to the wire for a variety of projects I'm working on. I have a tentative date to turn in my fellowship application by Friday, although there is still one poem I would like to include that has not gone through a final round of revision. That's on the schedule for tonight, otherwise I may have to leave it out. I'm not quite staying on task when it comes to my serial project, however, I have been adding a little more detail to the outline so that information is there when I need to get to it.

And of course, I haven't forgot that April is National Poetry Month, so I'm brainstorming about my blog posts for this year. I hope to bring back some of the old series ideas and add at least one new series of posts. I hope you are all getting ready--I know I am.

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