Friday, February 01, 2019

The Finish Line in Sight

This whole poetry book project is quickly coming to an end. It's to the point that I can see the finish line ahead. But if you've ever ran a race, you know that this is the time that you push harder, yet you feel like you're standing still and the finish line will never cross under your feet.

There is still work to do. Every Friday for the past month I've marked my calendar with the words "put up for pre-order" and every week so far it just hasn't been ready. That's what this weekend is for.

If I want to stick to my original 2019 schedule by having one writing, one editing, and one promoting per month, I need to get on the ball about finishing up the last of the editing. This weekend will be dedicated to this, and I hope to have everything put into place by Monday, not getting distracted like I have been. I mean everything seemed to stop my progress, including flipping the calendar above my desk this morning and seeing this photo that is just so gosh darn cute I can't stand it.

After the weekend, I'll touch base again--done or not, there will be another update and some more fun exclusives. I can't wait to share!

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