Friday, January 25, 2019

Cleared for Takeoff

As of this morning, If It Was New York, Summer 2009 has no outstanding individual pieces out in submission limbo. That can only mean... another rejection slip. Something that I'm used to and is expected. I was sweating this one (no matter which way it turned out) because the publication held it for just over four months. I didn't want to have to move the release date or pull the submission because of it, and although most publications say to contact them after a certain amount of time without hearing back, I really don't think that's something I would ever do. It seems too needy. 

So that means I really have to get down to business--there are seven or eight more poems that are still not done. If I can't get them done in the next week, I may have to consider cutting them. I don't want to force something that's just not taking shape. I need to get this title out for pre-order, so everyone can get their copies as soon as they are available on release day. This means lots of work. Lots.

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