Friday, April 19, 2019

So Close, Yet...

This has been one of those weeks where nothing seems to be getting done. The thing is, I also cannot pinpoint what is keeping me away from the things I thought I would have checked off my list. I haven't worked on my Camp NaNo project in a week. I'm not really feeling bad about that. I still won't be ready to buy my script coverage on May 1st, so I still have time to finish--though being three pages away from the end should bother me a bit more.

I don't like excuses, but I'll go ahead and blame it on the nice weather at the beginning of the week and that I may have reinstalled SimCity 3000 on my computer over the weekend. Oops.

My focus must be sharp from now on. Let's get Camp NaNo finished. Let's take a deep-dive into the stack of magazines for more found poetry. Let's get those submissions back out into circulation. And let's pick a new project for May. Maybe I'll actually get something new published. I still stand at 1/4 for the year, so I need to get on that. I guess I could find the key to the universe in an Easter egg this weekend, but it'll probably just be candy.

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