Thursday, May 02, 2019

May is Here to Stay

It's May and the checkered flags are everywhere--no, seriously. It's Indiana. They are EVERYWHERE. So I guess that means I need to bring something to the finish line by the end of the month.

A new/old project is the perfect thing. I'm going to dig through the archives and find the most promising unfinished work and get it all polished up like a gleaming trophy. More about what I chose and just how far that finish line will be next week.

For me and quite a lot of others out there, I think that April was a huge success. Whether you were participating in National Poetry Month (my contribution can be found on my Patreon page) or whether you were successful in promotion with the Twitter Writing Community's newly minted #IndieApril campaign, I think we can agree we all did something to better a writer's life last month.

Speaking of the found poetry I posted last month, I have an idea to turn it into something more than just boring words on paper. I haven't worked it all out yet, but once I do, I'll let everyone know what it's going to morph into. 

In other writing news, I'm finding it harder to build a list of potential journals to submit to. It's not that there aren't plenty out there, it's just that they are all starting to charge reading fees, regardless of whether they are a paying publication. I always add to my list at the end of the month, and when I tackled this task last week, there was nothing to add. Zero. Everything had a $3 reading fee, which must be what it takes to cover the cost of Submittable on the publication end. I'm not worried--I have plenty still on my list, but if this is going to change, writers need to stop paying reading fees for exposure. Exposure doesn't pay the bills. If you pay in exposure, that's fine, but don't charge for it.

What are your writing goals for the month? What do you plan on reading?

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