Friday, May 10, 2019

News and Notes from the Writing Desk: May Edition

It's been a busy week on the submission front. This week brought a rejection, but it was more of a relief than a disappointment. It was one that had been held for months, so it frees up those pieces to go out again. Which is a good thing, because I don't do simultaneous subs, and I really wanted to send a specific piece out, and I forgot was still in the hands of this publication.

I would love to say that I have a new project for May like I was supposed to, but I focused on getting these subs out so I didn't start on one. I really wish I could choose a project and see it to the end, but this seems to be one of those months where I work on a different project each week. That's not a bad thing, it just means a slower rollout for any individual project. They will all get to the finish line, I promise.

So what's on the agenda for next week? Who knows! I'm trying to get myself to finish up my two public projects (Love Bites the Big Apple and Pieces), but that may take some more time because I seem to have hit a creative wall on those.

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