Friday, July 19, 2019

News and Notes from the Writing Desk: July Edition

I'd love to say that there are tons of things to tell you all about this month, but all of the projects I'm working on are going very slow. I'm persisting with them all, but that doesn't make the frustration of it all go away. I don't know if it is the usual distractions or a lack of inspiration. Either way, I found myself rereading some of my published work--something I rarely do. I think I just needed to remind myself that I am capable of getting these things done, and I can find my way back to productivity.


This is officially back on the agenda. New pieces should be available on Patreon next week, and once I get 23 and 24 written and edited, you'll get to see these new pieces on Wattpad.

Latest Project

The still untitled set in the 70s story is slowly chugging along. I've snapped out of the heavy research phase, but I'm still only managing about half a page a day.


I sent out two more poetry submissions out this week. I wanted to get back to sending short stories out again, but every time I find a good place to submit, I'm finding reading fees. Unless I'm at least 75% confident that it will take my work AND that it is a paying publication, I won't pay. I will say 75% confidence in my own work standing out from the crowd is rare, but it has happened before. I have better things to do with that money, including writing contests and pro coverage for my pilot script... if I ever get back to that project.

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