Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hold the Whine

I meant to post this last week. I really did. But at some point, it simply slipped my mind--and apparently my to-do list. But all is well now, and we're back on track for lots of things to get done in October. 


Most of the past week has been wasted on writing.

Hold on--this will make sense in a moment.

I've been doing a lot of writing this week. It seems like thousands of words just came pouring out. The problem? I'm not sure how much of it can be used. I've been in a mood. This happens to everyone, of course, but my mood has been seeping into my writing. Everything that's been written has a whiny tinge to it--including the fiction, which was surprising because many of those characters wouldn't be whiners. I know that I'm starting to come out of it, but not before everything that could go wrong did go wrong. I'm taking today to turn that around. Now I have the unfortunate uphill battle of rewriting everything so that I can get back to focusing on what I want to say without being an eye-rolling fifteen-year-old about it.

That, and I have another issue. I have to settle on a project to actually see through to the end. I've been skipping back and forth, with nothing really giving me that drive to see it through to completion. I have to find something, because I need one more finished product before the end of the year (I hit number three with my first-on-Medium piece: "The Ideal Reader Doesn't Exist").

The positive spin on all of this? I've had plenty of time to read while avoiding my indecisiveness, so I just may hit my reading goal for the year. It's the little things...

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