Friday, May 08, 2020

News and Notes from the Writing Desk: May Edition

Hey out there, writer people. It's been quite a spring. Not only have we all be hiding away in our homes, but around here, it's turning back to winter again this weekend (yay...). But whenever the sun comes back out--literally and figuratively--motivation will wash over us all. In theory.

I'm pushing through and have some hefty projects for myself this month. First and foremost, I have to finish up all of my pieces for the prompts I put on Patreon last month. Then, I have to see whether my abandoned Camp NaNo project is still on track and get back into that. When it comes to revisions, there is nothing more important than the SWD revision, but that doesn't officially start around here until Monday. I needed a few more days of mental prep before I dive back into reading my own work. I don't think it's been so long that it's cringeworthy, but you never know. It has been six years.

Of course, as we all know, once I dive into these projects, I'll get that spark that leads me astray to another brand new idea. But you have to go where the idea takes you. Happy writing!

1 comment:

DRC said...

ooh. also revisiting some previous work here. Good luck 😊