Tuesday, January 01, 2008

How did you celebrate your New Year's Eve? I rang in the New Year in front of the TV set in the living room, watching the 20 minute New Year's Eve with Carson Daly. I would have preferred to watch CNN's New Year (do I have to keep capitalizing it? Hmmm..) celebrations, but the "cable" company pulled CNN from my lineup two weeks ago. at least I still have my podcasts.

I'll admit it though--at 12:00:15, I cried a little. I do every year. I still haven't figured out what I cry for though: am I crying because 2007 is gone or because 2008 is here?

I didn't make any resolutions this year. There's no point. Like 99% of those who do, I don't keep them. I'm lucky to stick to whatever I promised myself I would do after the first week when it's time to go back to school and get caught up. Only difference this year is that I'm not going back to school. I'm hitting the pavement and getting a job... well, maybe the cyber pavement, but it's still hard work. I don't have a comfortable computer chair.

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