Monday, April 27, 2009

Back and more determined than ever

Well, I'm back from my working hiatus. I did manage to finish 95% of my work before the end of the month deadlines approach. Now all I really have to do is wait for any edits to come back.

I also worked a lot on that travel series I talked about. But because it's such a fun topic for me, I want to make sure I can get everything right -- that means although I worked hard, I only made a nice dent in the work. My goal is to finish the Indianapolis articles by the end of May, but we'll see. I keep coming up with new article topics all the time, so when I get one written, I'm still at the same number I started with!

To reward myself for all that hard work, I bought a movie. I purchased Rope -- probably my second favorite Alfred Hitchcock/Jimmy Stewart movie. Top of that list of course is Vertigo.

And this is why I am working so hard. Even though this economic crisis (or whatever the government is calling it these days) is still very apparent, everyone has to have their little indulgences now and then. Mine just happens to be classic movies.

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