Monday, September 27, 2010

Off With A Bang!

I feel upbeat and energized--not your typical Monday morning doldrums here. I managed to up the ante on my workouts. I'm up to 25 minutes of walking/jogging on the treadmill each morning. No excuses. I recently ordered a pair of pants (the right size, mind you) but the material doesn't stretch so I'm motivated to make those pants as comfortable as possible to wear. Since I bought it for holiday gatherings, I have a few weeks to work on that.

What I need to work on is my writing. I'm not sure if I have writer's block. I don't feel blocked, but I can't seem to walk over to the desk, grab paper, and start writing. I'm reluctant to start stories on the computer these days just because I spend so much time here already. If I'm not working, I'm preparing articles or paying bills or a number of other mundane weekly tasks. Nanowrimo isn't that far away, so I need to be putting a daily writing ritual into practice, or I'm going to lose again this year. Not a big deal as long as I surpass the word count from last year's contest.

Well, work seems to be out this morning, so maybe it's a sign that I have some time to write? Rock and roll, writer friends. Rock and roll.

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