Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Plans for Nanowrimo

I'm usually pretty good at doing the things I say that I'm going to do, but I had a slight fail on Monday. Sunday night I tweeted (to those who follow me @Terri84) that I would share my ideas for this year's nanowrimo competition, but I didn't. So here it goes.

First, my method: everyday gives a chance for the spark of an idea, so instead of stopping everything to work on each new idea, I put down on a sticky note (or whatever scrap of paper is available) and shove it in my Ideas box (see picture). Each year when nanowrimo comes around, I simply close my eyes, pick out a scrap and do what it says. Sometimes it's a short outline of a story. Sometimes it's just a title. On a few occasions, it has been nothing more than a quote from someone else's story that I somehow thought was inspiring. This year, it was a title and one line description of the story. I don't want to give away the plot just yet, so I won't share the description, but the tentative title is "Gideon's Roadmap." I always get frustrated at title time, so I'm really glad that I have provided myself one upfront.

To get a little more business out of the way, you can also be my Nano buddy. I've never had one, because it's really hard to talk people into this endeavor when the only prize is the satisfaction of accomplishment.

Another little bit of business: I'm closer to reaching the Triond monthly bonus. Here are some of the other articles I have post since Monday:

Key Terms for Nondisclosure Agreements
Boat Builders Glossary

And if you write really fast, you have until the end of October to get in 10 articles for your 20% revenue bonus. Think about it. :)

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