Monday, February 14, 2011

Planning and Preparing

It's hit me again: that huge feeling of Wanderlust that comes around this time of the year. Usually, all I want to do is vacation in some exotic location. I've also been known to think I need to completely uproot my life in order to be successful at writing. This time, however, I'm a little more realistic. I really do need a vacation for the writing, but I know that a permanent move is just not necessary.

The reason I'm in need of a vacation is because everything that goes on the paper lately has been flat and stale. I'd rather have writer's block--at least then I wouldn't be wasting my time on something that's probably not worth revising. I also have a hankering to take photos of some place other than where I live. I want to get a little more exotic and urban with my photos. That's why I want to take a trip to D.C. and NYC. I want to go to D.C. to see the cherry trees in full bloom, and I'm still going to get to NYC at some point, so why not do it when I'm already on the east coast?

It may be tough to pull off. I get scared at everything and this would be a huge leap for me. But I realized that if I don't prove to myself that I have that tiny bit of courage I need to navigate a vacation without a panic attack, there's no way I can ever function in society. The other snag is that the cherry trees bloom in the beginning of April, so if I really want to push myself to have an adventure, I need to make my decisions and plans in the next two weeks. I'm taking a lot of time every night to psych myself up to do it.

One of these days soon I will be blogging from the train or the hotel room, my copy of On the Road on one side and my camera on the other. Let's hope, anyway.

1 comment:

Thess said...

You got an award and you’ve been - - God bless!