Monday, October 06, 2014

Another Round of Submissions on the Way

It's been a while since I submitted any short stories or poetry to magazines and journals. I wasn't avoiding the task; I just don't like the idea of simultaneous submissions. Since there are quite a few older submissions that have hit the 18-month mark (my absolute limit) without an acceptance or a rejection, it's time to get them out there again. Luckily I get a monthly email newsletter that reminds me there are still thousands of publications out there I have yet to try.

Along with submissions, I'm still working hard on In Another Life. I'm hoping to get the first draft of it done by the end of the month so I can put my full concentration on the new story for NaNoWriMo. There may be a few late nights, but that's the only way to keep these projects moving forward.

Add to all of this my continual efforts to move out of town, work at my current day jobs and get a better job so that I can move. Really, my days are pretty full right now, though I still feel like I'm not doing enough to fill every minute of the day with productive actions. What are you doing to meet your writing and/or life goals?


K R Smith said...

I'm doing a lot of the same. Squeezing in time to write and submitting what I can. I do have a couple of stories that I need to give a bit more thought to when I'm working on them, but I'm so busy right now that it's hard to do! And the holidays are coming soon...

Good luck on your submissions, and WHEN they are accepted I'll do a tweet and a blog post on them!

Terri said...

Thanks! I can't wait to get back into submissions. I'll let you know when I get my next accept letter. ;-)