Monday, June 29, 2020

It's Been... Well... A Lot

I'm finally back up and running. I didn't want to do it, but I acquired a new computer after a bad experience with a corrupted Windows update. I know I sound like I know what I'm talking about, but I still can't figure out how to get Windows to boot on the old laptop to update a few files on the new laptop. I'm just glad that I updated my OneDrive at the end of April, otherwise I would have been in a lot more trouble. Most of what I finished in May and June I still have in email or have already published, so that's a relief.

I decided to go a different route this time. Instead of a trusty Dell (which at the moment doesn't seem so trusty), I went with a Surface laptop. I drooled over a SurfacePro for awhile first, but went with the laptop mostly because I'm tricking myself into believing a product made by Microsoft would have less bugs with updates than other brands. Logically, I know this isn't true, but let me have my delusion for a little while longer. I just hope the Alcantara around the keyboard doesn't wear out too quickly.

Writing? What? Oh yeah, all that stuff. I'm still running through my files, checking what lost some content and what super-awesome projects I abandoned months ago and are still fully updated. I get to use Word again, so I also have the pleasure of saving my files in .docx and out of .odt. Boring, but necessary. What I have coming up in July will have to wait until next week's post, but I'll figure it out before then. The one thing I do know? It won't be the July session of Camp NaNo. I've been working from a phone for the past five days. Long-form content still doesn't sound appealing to me.

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