Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Trials of January

I think I need to stay clear of kids for awhile. Every time the nephews come over, I get a new illness. While this last one isn't as bad as the first one was, it's still ranged from debilitating at the onset to annoying now. The only thing I want now is to make it to spring without getting sick again, because its really cutting into my daily work schedule.

On the creative front, I submitted two poems to another literary journal last night. I have a bit of hope for these because they've been rejected a few times already. Hopefully I found the right publication for them this time. I'm also prepping more submissions for the end of the month. My goal is to have all my poetry out being scrutinized somewhere by spring so I can focus more on revising the new stuff I've been writing. I used to think stream of consciousness writing was all the was needed and only a fool would revise their poetry, but I learned my lesson. I now know that revision is vital to poetry, fiction and anything else a person writes. So until next time, Folks...

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