Friday, July 01, 2016

Fantastic Deals for Your Holiday Weekend

First of all, Happy Canada Day! If you want to pick up Unfolding Life this weekend for just $0.99, it's available at Kobo (you can also purchase the Kindle edition or paperback edition from Amazon for $2.49 and $9.99, respectively). This Kobo deal is available starting today through July 5th.

You know what else is coming up? That's right, Amazon's Prime Day! Yeah, I know everyone thought it sucked last year. But there are a lot of people saying that this year's deals are going to be A LOT better, so if you aren't already a Prime member, sign up today for your membership.

And since it's the first day of Camp NaNo, I just have to do a little bit of bragging. This word count total for Day 1 deserves a mic drop, doesn't it? :-D

Have a great holiday weekend!!

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